The Chicks!

As part of the Owl's science module they have been looking at life cycles.
Mrs Clack gave them some options to choose from and the Owl's requested to observe the life cycle of a chicken. We have been very fortunate to successfully incubate and hatch out 12 chicks. It has been a very exciting and magical experience, from being able to hear and feel the chicks within the eggs, to watching them use their little beaks to break free and then watching them turn into the cutest fluffiest little chicks running around under the heat lamp.
We would like to introduce you all to; Toffee, Midnight, Goldie, Sweet Pea, Fudge, Princess, Oreo, Dandelion, Buffy, Bear, Twig and Shelly.
We would like to say a massive thank you to Mr and Mrs Tindall for the loan of the incubator and chick set up, as well as providing us with the fertilized eggs. You have helped to make this term really special for the Owls (and the rest of the school who have popped in to meet the chicks).